Monday, July 11, 2011


My distaste for weeding is well-documented, but here is the problem: I just don't like looking at a messy garden. Do you see the tension, then, that accompanies my life as a gardener? Which is worse -- having to weed? Or having a garden that looks like my sister's hair in the morning?

Bottom line: I spent several hours in the garden this weekend. In addition to the slight sunburn (despite wearing my new "head umbrella," which I won at a recent Canada Day party because I answered all the hockey questions correctly on the Canada trivia quiz) on my neck, I also contracted an affliction I have named "Weeder's Finger." Weeder's Finger is a pain that starts between the thumb and forefinger and shoots across the palm to the base of the pinky. You don't understand; our garden was (and still is) really weedy, and I pulled zillions of them. (See "before" and "after" shots above -- of just one row of our garden.)

Something has to give here. I can't be weeding like this all summer. Yes, we have lettuce coming out our eyeballs, and yes, the peas are as sweet as can be. But I just don't like looking at a garden that looks like a rat's nest. And my Weeder's Finger can't handle pulling too many more.

I'm just about at my breaking point.


Steve Ames said...

Ah, what might be worse is your sister making comparisons with...

Hey Mark!


Lisa Aiken said...

I would much rather have the garden on the left than the bald 40-ish looking garden on the right.

M Aiken said...

I don't deny I'm going bald... are you saying your hair's perfect in the morning?

Lisa Aiken said...


M Aiken said...

You are as delusional as my garden is weedy.

Lisa Aiken said...

And what a beautiful garden it is.