Thursday, June 17, 2010

Aiken Launches Website

Mark Aiken's new website exploded into cyberspace this week. Not exploded in a bad way (like "crashed and burned"); rather it is up, running, and already making waves. Don't miss out on the excitement: the new site address is, of course, Check it out! And please make sure to let us know if you have any issues (other than you are "wow'ed" out of your mind), try out the "contact us" form, and click on all of the different links.

In a related story, followers of AikenAction have surely noticed the overhaul of the blog's layout. The blog's creator is looking for feedback. Did you not even notice? Is the site more readable? Not enough color? Font too small? Better than ever?

These events are all part of a stronger representation on the Web, and so far, feedback has been nothing less than stupendous.

1 comment:

Amy French said...

I do like the website!!