Not really, if you live in Richmond, Vermont. But we also know that good trails don't just appear; they have to be built, maintained, and protected.
Last weekend a small but capable trail crew of volunteers went out and made the above improvements to some of the Richmond Mountain Trails. The trails are still closed due to wet and muddy conditions (and last night's Biblical rain didn't exactly help with this), but should open soon.
We dug some ditches and put in some stone walkways and bridges on some particularly muddy sections. Should make a difference! I can't wait to run these babies as summer approaches... and as soon as I make my next big purchase (can you say mountain bike) start riding again. I look forward to varying my exercise diet. I'll still run, but I think my ankles, heels, knees, and hips will appreciate the occasional trail ride mixed in with the running. Regardless of the mode of travel, I appreciate our local trails.
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